Time needed: 1 minute
- Login
Login to Smart-View Utilities
- Open the Side Menu
Open the side menu by clicking the Hamburger Menu.
- Next link your device to a metering hierarchy
Select the Metering Farm, Metering Section & Service Point to assign the device then click “NEXT”.
(refer to metering hierarchy fields for more details on Metering Farm, Metering Section & Service Point).
(This is where your devices will be assigned to) - Then open the Device Menu Tab
• Click the “Device” Tab then click “+ Add Device” and wait for the input form to load.
- Enter the device setup fields
• Complete the device setup fields. You must select the Device Manufacturer, Device Type, Pulse Factor, Is Data Encrypted, Encryption Key before you
can continue - Add IZAR RS 868 device info
• Complete the device fields. You must fill out the Meter Serial Number & Meter Name
- Complete Setup
Complete the setup by clicking on Add Device